Friday, January 9, 2009

Off to a great start...

So, now that it's back to reality and the normal everyday life. Starbucks on the way to work after dropping the kids off at school and possibly getting gas, or stopping by the bank and slowing thinking about what else is pending before arriving at the studio. All this, while thinking about what to expect from the first client. Will the child cooperate, will the wardrobe be what we expect or at least hoped for? Will they be hungry, sleepy or just cranky for no reason (which is a huge possibility 9 out of 10 times). See, all this happens before 9 am everyday Monday through Friday, for 52 weeks of the year!
How does the routine keep itself new and creative?
We ask ourselves this same question daily and the answer is simply.
We LOVE what we do. Our clients understand our "uniqueness" and embrace it, our work inspires us and our families understand us. What more could one ask for?
If you LOVE your job, it's not a job but a comfortable, exuberant and challenging experience one can't wait to get to.
Is this you? If not,
Embrace your will embrace you right back. Love what you do and experience the difference!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...